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Adhesive for polyurethane baseboards, moldings, cornices and other products

Adhesive for polyurethane baseboards, moldings, cornices and other products

Installation of polyurethane stucco molding is a rather labor-intensive process and requires care. In order to get a good result, you need to take into account many factors and use high-quality materials. One of these materials is an adhesive for installation and joining of products made from polyurethane Orac Decofix and Nmc. Correct use and selection of glue will give the highest quality effect and appearance of stucco in your interior. We recommend using adhesives from Orac, NMC and Europlast. Any of these mounting adhesives are acrylic-based, slow-drying and will provide a strong connection between the decor and the wall or ceiling. But a very important point is the joining adhesive - on a polyurethane basis, for connecting decorative joints. This joint adhesive will guarantee that over time you will not develop cracks at the joints. Well, for outdoor work or in rooms with high humidity, we recommend using Hydro assembly adhesive; it will not allow the products to fall off in damp rooms. All glue must be stored at a temperature not lower than +5C.

Adhesive for polyurethane

Some “would-be-masters” also use assembly adhesive for joints. It is not right! Be sure to use joint adhesive for joints, otherwise after some time cracks will form at the same joints, and the appearance of already glued products will not be beautiful, to put it mildly. This glue must be applied to the entire joint surface, then press tightly together. Excess glue can be wiped off with a rag soaked in acetone. Complete drying of both joining and mounting adhesive takes 24 hours. Only after this time has passed, the product can be painted and the fixing screws and dowels removed. Remember, only by following the instructions, which by the way are on the packages of the above adhesives, you will get one hundred percent results!

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Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) × 245 = 490 UAH
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