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    Column is a vertical support, which is the main part of the supporting structure of a structure, and has a mainly circular cross-section. Columns consist of three elements: capital (top of the column), body (trunk), base (lower element). By the capitals you can determine which order the column belongs to. The orders are: Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Composite. The body of the column can be smooth or fluted. The collection includes columns made of polyurethane and fiberglass. Half-columns made of polyurethane are also presented; their appearance resembles a column cut in half. Half-columns decorate entrance doorways, fireplaces and arched openings, and act as decor to hide pipes or wires.

    Українською | English | ру
    Stucco decor
    Window sills
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    Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) × 245 = 490 UAH
    Total: 1234 UAH
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