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Antonio Gaudi

Portrait of Antonio Gaudi

On June 25, 1852, the future great architect Antonio Gaudi was born. This event took place in the Spanish province of Catalonia in the small town of Reus . Gaudi began taking his first steps in the field of construction and design of buildings back in the 70s, when he was enrolled in the Provincial School of Architecture, which he successfully graduated in 1878 .

House of Vicens

The Vicens House is one of the landmarks of Barcelona (the capital of Catalonia), built for the Manuel Vicens family in 1883-1885

Beginning in 1870 , Antonio worked for 12 years under the guidance of then-famous masters Emilio Sala and Francisco Villar . During this period, the future architect was engaged in small design work and without success, which gave him even greater zeal in mastering the craft, he participated in all kinds of competitions.

El Capriccio

El Capriccio is a luxurious mansion in the town of Comillas near the city of Santander. Date of construction: 1883–1885

Gaudi implemented the first projects that brought popularity in the 80s of the 19th century . These include the world famous House of Vicens and the bizarre El Capricho and House Calvet . Also, during this period of time, projects for the School at the Monastery of St. Teresa and never-realized plans for the construction of buildings in Tangier and Astrog appeared.

House Calvet

Casa Calvet is a private residential building in Barcelona, built between 1898 and 1900. Known for the fact that home furniture was also made according to the sketches of Antoni Gaudi.

But soon, fate smiled on the talented and persistent architect. On his life's path appeared the then famous textile magnate Eusebi Gell , who later became Antonio's friend. Thanks to Gell's money and Gaud's talent, such projects as the estate in Pedralbes , wine cellars in Garaffa , chapels, and the most beautiful Park Gell were brought to life.

Park Guell

Park Gell - a fantastic park in Barcelona

After the construction of these architectural masterpieces, Gaudi's fame went far beyond the borders of Spain, and the genius himself formed his own style of curved surfaces, which would subsequently be recognizable throughout the world. Upon completion of the construction of the Palace of Guell, Antonio turns from an ordinary builder into a famous architect, whose services were not affordable for every wealthy lord of that time. For the famous nobility of that time, who were ready to pay a fortune for Gaudi’s work, the architect builds houses, each of which is different from the previous one and has its own unique style. Without exaggeration, the most famous works of the master at that time include Casa Mila and Casa Batllo , which were made with special imagination and love.

But, unfortunately, we are not all eternal. In 1926, Antoni Gaudi was hit by a tram near the Sagrada Familia Cathedral he was building. Most likely, the great architect could have been saved, but taxi drivers refused to take the unknown and unkempt old man to the hospital. The outstanding specialist was buried in the crypt of the cathedral, which he never completed.

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Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) × 245 = 490 UAH
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