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Who needs Gaudi Decor for the New Year? Schedule)

Who needs Gaudi Decor for the New Year? Schedule)

Dear clients and visitors to our Gaudi decor online store in Ukraine! May this year bring you many new victories, successful projects, and useful connections! Let all the negative aspects of the coming year pass you by, and everything that is planned will be implemented one hundred percent!

Below is our work schedule for the New Year holidays:

Until December 29, 2018, we work as usual, which is indicated on our website.

We are closed from December 30 to January 2, 2019.

On January 3 and 4 we are open from 9 to 18-00.

On January 5 we are open from 10 to 16-00.

January 7th is also a weekend for us.

From January 8th we continue to work according to our normal schedule.

Due to holidays and weekends, we ask you to place your orders in advance so that we can deliver them promptly. We also remind you that our store accepts online orders around the clock, and they will be processed during business hours.

Українською | English | ру
Stucco decor
Window sills
Attention! We are open from 9 to 18 on weekdays. Place your orders online at any time, and we will contact you.

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Name Quantity
Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) × 245 = 490 UAH
Total: 1234 UAH
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